December 18, 2015

Improved Type I Error Control and Reduced Estimation Bias for DIF Detection Using SIBTEST

Improved Type I Error Control and Reduced Estimation Bias for DIF Detection Using SIBTEST Improved Type I Error Control and Reduced Estimation Bias for DIF Detection […]
December 18, 2015

Kernel-Smoothed DIF Detection Procedure for Computerized Adaptive Tests

Kernel-Smoothed DIF Detection Procedure for Computerized Adaptive Tests Kernel-Smoothed DIF Detection Procedure for Computerized Adaptive Tests
December 18, 2015

Differential item functioning analysis-Detecting DIF items and testing DIF hypotheses

Differential item functioning analysis-Detecting DIF items and testing DIF hypotheses Differential item functioning analysis-Detecting DIF items and testing DIF hypotheses
December 18, 2015

Evaluation of the CATSIB DIF Procedure in a Pretest Setting

Evaluation of the CATSIB DIF Procedure in a Pretest Setting Evaluation of the CATSIB DIF Procedure in a Pretest Setting